Community Magazine September 2009

90 CoMMUniTy MagazinE Health BEETROOT FOR A BETTERBODY Drinking beetroot juice can give the body a boost before exercise, increasing physical stamina and endurance by up to 16 percent according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. Research participants were able to ride a bicycle for longer after drinking the juice than after con- suming a placebo drink, and also had a lower resting blood pressure. Nitrate in the juice turns into nitric oxide in the body, leading to a reduction in oxygen uptake and making exercise less tiring The study is the first to show that nitrate-rich food can increase exercise endurance. ANTIDEPRESSANT USE DOUBLES The number of Americans taking antidepressants has more than doubled in a decade, increasing from about 13 million in 1996 to about 27 million people in 2005, according to a research study of nearly 50,000 Americans, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry. The study also showed a decrease in the number of people taking antidepressants who also sought help from a therapist, possibly due to high out-of-pocket costs and insurance barriers. Patients who only receive medication may not be receiving sufficient help. Possible causes for the increase are the rising rate of depression, the more widespread availability of medications, public relations campaigns promoting mental health care, and reduced stigma surrounding depression and medication. GRAPEFRUIT SHOWS PROMISEWITHCANCERDRUG Cancer patients have long been advised against taking their pills with grapefruit juice, because chemicals in the tart drink can boost the potency of certain drugs. With this in mind, Cancer researcher Dr. Ezra Cohen wondered if this boost in effectiveness could be used to reduce required dosages and thus lower costs and decrease adverse side effects. Sure enough, early results from a trial combining a once a week dose of cancer drug Rapamycin – which normally must be taken daily – and eight ounces of grapefruit juice every day, showed drug levels in patients similar to the levels expected from taking the drug daily. Normally, an enzyme in the intestines breaks down the cancer drug, so only a fraction of it gets into the system. Grapefruit juice contains chemicals that block this enzyme, so the body can absorb more of the drug. Researchers caution that patients should still follow the advice of their physi- cian concerning drug dosage and avoiding grapefruit juice while taking medication until official guidelines are established. IS ORGANICREALLY HEALTHIER? After analyzing evidence from the past 50 years, researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found little difference in nutritional value between organic and non- organic food, and no evidence of health benefits offered by organic products. The findings were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers found no difference in most nutrients, including in vitamin C, calcium, and iron. The same was true for studies looking at meat, dairy products and eggs. The review did not look at pesticides or the environmental impact of different farming practices. Critics refuted the report, claiming that there are higher levels of beneficial nutrients in organic foods. FAST TB TEST CAN SPEED TREATMENT New research has led to a test for tuberculosis (TB) that takes just 30 minutes, as opposed to the current diagnostic tests that take about two weeks. The new test uses magnetic nano-particles that can identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis even at very low concentrations. The current test uses a microscope to identify bacteria, and suspect samples are sent to a lab for confirmation, leading to a delay in treatment. Scientists at Harvard Medical School published the research in the journal Angewandte Chemie. In the new test, samples are added to a solution, and TB bacteria bind to iron-containing particles. A small magnetic scanner can then register the presence of bacteria-laden particles. 8 REASONS WHY WOMEN SHOULD LIFT WEIGHTS Increase strength by 50 percent. 1. Burn 35-50 calories more daily, even at 2. rest (according to research by Dr. Waye Wescott, based on women who strength trained twice a week). Develop muscle tone and definition 3. without bulk. Decrease your risk of osteoporosis. 4. Improve your athletic and exercise 5. performance. Reduce your risk of injury, back pain and arthritis. 6. Reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. 7. Improve your attitude. (A Harvard study found that 10 8. weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression more successfully than counseling.) It’s never too late to benefit fromweight lifting. Even women in their seventies and eighties have built strength through resistance training. Of course, it is always advisable to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program, and strength training especially is generally most safely and efficiently performed under the supervision of a qualified trainer. MIKE’S COR Michael Cohen (Body by Mike) has over 35 years of health and fitness experience. NER