Community Magazine September 2009

84 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 2 young innocent Jewish girls – ages 10 and 12 – wishing nothing more than to live as religious Jews. An anti-religious mother, determined to deny them their wishes – and rights, through a steady campaign of manipulation, lies, threats and emotional abuse. A loving – and beloved father, an upstanding and respected young man, spends years waging a series of legal battles to protect his daughters from losing their Judaism. After spending a year in public school, the courts finally order his daughters be sent to religious Jewish schools and camps and allowed to practice their Jewish faith as they were raised. Still, their mother continues to violate court orders, trying to force her daughters into a secular lifestyle devoid of all Judaism. She feeds them non-kosher food, prevents them from seeing their father and prevents them from celebrating Shabbat and Jewish holidays properly. 2 young innocent girls being torn apart and traumatized – yet continue to battle valiantly against their mother’s efforts to snatch away their Judaism. In January, 2010, the Supreme Court of The State of New York will decide their fate. Their father stands a very good chance of winning custody but unfortunately can no longer afford proper legal representation. He will be forced to stand in court alone battling his ex-wife and her shrewd, polished and handsomely paid lawyers. TODAY, YOU CAN HELP FREE THESE GIRLS TO LIVE A PROUD JEWISH LIFESTYLE AS THEY WISH TO! Your contribution will help their father retain the lawyers he needs to help win custody of his daughters – thereby saving them from spiritual ruin. This effort is supported by Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, Rabbi Haim Benoliel, Rabbi Aaron Shechter, Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel and Rabbi Eli Mansour. Your tax-deductible donation can be made payable to: Tzedaka V’chesed and mailed to: FREE MY KIDS, 1222 Avenue M, Suite 303, Brooklyn, NY 11230. You can also contribute securely via credit card at: TIZKU LAMITZVOT! Freedom of religion isn’t always free.