Community Magazine June 2009

26 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Defining “Gog Umagog” Contrary to the common misconception that the terms “Gog” and “Magog” refer to two warring states, most commentaries assume that Magog is the name of a country which is led by a ruler named Gog. 1 Others explain that Gog is the name of a country, and Magog is one of its provinces. 2 Thus, “Gog Umagog” refers to a single nation, and not to two countries at war with each other. The Book of Beresheet (10:2) makes reference to a grandson of Noah named Magog, and it is widely assumed that the nation of Gog Umagog will descend from that individual. 3 The commenta- tors disagree, however, as to whether this nation will be Muslim or Christian. 4 The Malbim 5 comments that the identity of Gog Umagog may remain unknown until the war actually occurs. Three Wars of Gog Umagog The wars of Gog Umagog will take place in three stages over the course of our present exile. 6 The Abarbenel 7 writes that the three wars will be fought between the Muslims and Christians, adding that the first two of these wars have already taken place. The first Abarbanel claims, was the Muslim conquest of the Middle East from the Christian Roman Empire in the seventh century C.E., and the second was the thirteenth-century onslaught of the Crusaders against the Arabs who controlled Eress Yisrael. The third war, he writes, will erupt just prior to the arrival of Mashiah and will usher the final redemption. According to others, the three wars have yet to be fought, and they will all take place in the period just before the redemption. 8 In the midst of World War I (1913-1917), the Hafess Haim z”l (1838-1933) was asked if that war was the battle of Gog Umagog, heralding Mashiah’s arrival. The Hafess Haim responded in affirmative. “This war,” he foresaw, “is only the first stage. It will be con- tinued in some twenty-five years with another world war that will make this first war look like child’s play in comparison. That war, too, will end, but eventually a third world war will take place, which will be a time of terrible suffering for the Jewish nation, much worse than ever before, and from there we will be redeemed.” 9 Rabbi E. C. Aboud Basic Overview of Gog Umagog Part V: T radition teaches that the Messianic era won’t come easily. We have all heard of the harsh “Gog Umagog” wars that will rage just prior to the arrival of Mashiah and the final redemption. This installment of our series will explore this fascinating aspect of Mashiah and attempt to explain more fully what kind of wars will be waged, by whom, and how exactly these frightening events will unfold.