Community Magazine Februafy 2009

46 Community magazine M ost of us are too busy to keep pace with the myriad of details that must be dealt with in order to get through a typical day. The average American will live to over 75 years of age, but most cannot find even 1 minute alone with themselves per day. Overburdened with responsibilities and interrupted constantly by the demands of others, most people have no room on their “to do” list for setting goals and working on their spirit and personality. An effective remedy to this ailment is prescribed in a new book by one of our community’s esteemed authors and public speakers, Rabbi Raymond Beyda. As its title, 1 Minute with Yourself , suggests, it prescribes one minute of contemplation each day. And, if taken as directed, this book can change your life. Each piece presents a thought-provoking, uplifting message that you can carry with you all day. It masterfully teaches critical skills such as patience, enhancing personal relationships, effective communication with friends and relatives, sustained growth in Torah and misvot , and much more. Among the key ingredients in Rabbi Beyda’s program is transforming seemingly ordinary situations into rich sources of spiritual inspiration. Once you absorb the insights revealed in this book, occasions such as birthdays, airplane flights, bicycle rides, traffic jams and shopping for fashion labels will become rousing spiritual experiences. Everyday, down-to-earth examples help readers put these ideas into practice in their own lives, demonstrating how the lofty ideals of the Torah can find meaningful expression in daily life. Renowned author and lecturer Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn praised 1 Minute with Yourself for the practical benefit it offers. “The beauty of this book,” said Rabbi Krohn, “is that you can pick it up at any time and, within minutes, be inspired by a complete, concise thought that is applicable to everyday life. You can read alone on a train or a plane, or together with your family at the Shabbat table.” I use 1 Minute with Yourself as a great way to start my day with my morning coffee, while two high school girls I know share the “1 minute” with each other over the phone every night before they go to sleep. The truth is, any down time is good, so long as you make a point to do 1 Minute with Yourself every day – without fail! The book is a beautiful 669-page package, pleasing to the eye and suitable for your breakfast table, night table or coffee table. And it makes a beautiful gift to those you love – including yourself. One thing is certain – this new offering can transform you from the person you are today to the person you can be in 1 Minute with Yourself per day. The book is available at most Judaica outlets, or by emailing esther@ . 1Minute With Yourself: AMinute a Day to Self Improvement Rabbi Raymond J. Beyda Sephardic Press BOOK REVIEW