Community Magazine November 2008
HeSHvan 5769 novemBeR 2008 99 THESE DESIGNER FOLDING CHAIRS are built with strong steel frames and elegantly upholstered seat and backs. They fold at taking upminimum space and are easy and light to carry around. Matching Card Table Available. Graphix Zone! In stock/colors : a. Gold frame & black b. Gold frame & almond Perfect for Any Occassion SHIPS QUICKLY FROMTHE TRI-STATEAREA c. Silver frame& almond d. Gold frame & burgundy ROUND CARD TABLES NOW AVAILABLE! C a l l e a r l y t o r e s e r v e f o r t h e H o l i d a y s ! One night the angels came to Jim in a dream They said “Son its time to meet your maker” So he got his wallet and the keys to his car Um “Sorry son, but you cant take her” “Before we go any further Lets make something crystal clear Only the soul leaves this world Everything else remains here” “The materials you mistakenly chased Well that was just wasted time Possessions are worthless up here So all that gets left behind” But what of all my money and possessions “ That was never really yours ,Jim” The only reason you had it in the first place Hashem let you “borrow” it from him How about the huge muscles I have Hours of putting my body through the pain “Hashem isn’t concerned in the strength of your arms He’s interested in the power of Torah in your brain” Well what about my massive home So big people must stop and stare “Did you invite people into your home for Shabbat Now THAT would make Hashem care “ “Hashem isn’t impressed by what you own But These things are important to him How well have you served him in your life How generous to others have you been “ Jim cried , Hashem my Master Oh how I wasted my precious time Instead of serving you with my heart I chased after every nickel and dime Hashem I can only ask you in my merit Please let others learn from my mistakes Don’t waste your time with worthless possessions Wake Up !! Wake Up !! Before its to late!! The angels replied “Now you understand my son” “Hashem’s will is the one and only goal Everything else is irrelevant in heaven Because when Hashem calls . He only calls your soul” “The materials in life we endlessly chase Well we are all just wasting precious time Worldly Possessions are worthless up in heaven Remember in the end that all gets left behind” Wasted Time Chaz Creations 2008
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