Community Magazine November 2008

Get Noticed 4 times the visibility compared to ads lost in phone-book-sizedmagazines With only a limited number of total ad pages in each issue, every ad in Community is not just noticed – it stands out prominently. And with ad sizes that are nearly a third larger, your message is sure to come across louder and clearer. MoRe SPAce FoR YoUR $ 30 % larger ads than other magazines WideSt ciRcULAtioN 46 % larger circulation overall compared to other Jewish magazines By far the most widely circulated Sephardic monthly magazine in the world and the only monthly delivered right to the door of virtually every Sephardic household in New York and New Jersey – all of which is independently certified by a third party auditor. MoSt MAiLed SUBScRiBeRS Twice the subscribers compared to other Jewish magazines coMPeLLiNG coNteNt Edgy covers and serious editorials that attract readers most Each issue of Community is highly anticipated, read thoroughly, saved and passed on to others. And with world-class layout and premium paper your message comes across with a professional look. FiNeSt PRiNt QUALitY Full color throughout on bright glossy paper with professional layout 100% NoN-PRoFit All proceeds fromCommunity – every nickel – goes to charity Advertising in Community directly supports your charitable community organizations. Plus, with direct oversight by top rabbis, Community is the only publication read by the entire community, so readers have come to trust the integrity of all our content – even the ads. RABBiNicAL SUPeRViSioN Under Harav Hagaon Hacham David Yosef shlita (son of Gadol Hador, HachamOvadia Yosef shlita) Copyright  2008 Community Magazine. May not be copied or reproduced in any form without the express written consent of Community Magazine. Community became the most widely read Sephardic magazine in the world as of 2003. WhyPrayersSometimes Don’tgetAnswered RabbiEliMansour CanHappinessBeBought? AlbertSutton Elul 5766 September 2006 Volume V No. 12 OUR 50 TH ISSUE SeptemberColor.indd 1 8/29/2006 11:15:11PM Av 5765 August 2005 Volume IV No. 11 Av 5765 August 2005 COMMUNITY One Community? AreWe Still                     May 04 color.qxp 4/28/2004 12:26 PM Page 1 Beating theSystem RABBIELIMANSOUR SehardicRenaissanceHonors ThreeCommunityLeaders DANIELKEREN TheSephardicAngel FundPhenomenon ZEESYFRIEDMAN TheSmallRequestofDavidHatuel DEBBIECOHEN Elul5764 - Tishri5765September2004 V OLUME IIIN O .11 Sep 04 color.qxp 8/30/2004 10:58 AM Page 1 Youradprominence in Community Cm Youradprominence in othermagazines om YOUr ad YOUr ad ARe GettiNG the BeSt ReSULtS WhY AdS iN Community "c