Community Magazine November 2008

 Plush Bath Robes - All Sizes  New ! Pashmina Scarves In 14 Stunning Colors  Bridal Shower Baskets & More! Gift Giving Made Easy. Yes! We Are Already Taking Orders For Hanukah! Jill Chrem: 718-288-0721 Sara Chera : 646-331-1672 We monogram in A L L C O L O R S Bar/Bat Mitzvah o Baby Gifts o Hostess o Housewarming o Birthday o Bridal Party 102 Community magazine Kashrut &Health Alerts SupervisionChanges&Withdrawals NY P ASTA A UTHORITY , 640 Parkside Ave., Brooklyn, NY is no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification. Only products with the ink jetted date of 11/08/2007 or earlier, on the inner plastic, is under OK certification. The com- pany is now certified by the OU, when bearing an OU symbol. OK & OU, Sept. 17, 2008 Mislabeled K EY F OOD Q UALITY B RAND F ROSTED S HREDDED W HEAT , Key Food Stores, Staten Island, NY, bears an unauthorized OV symbol. The product contains gelatin and is not kosher. Corrective measures are being taken to have the OV symbol removed. Vaad Hoeir of St. Louis, October 17, 2008 G ILGAL M ERLOT W INE , imported from Romania, bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. OK Kosher Certification does not certify this company or product. If any con- sumer sees a package with the unauthorized OK symbol please call the OK Kosher office 718-756-7500. OK, October 17, 2008 P ITA P OCKETS , Fattal’s Bakery, Patterson, NJ bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. OK Kosher Certification does not certify this compa- ny or this product. Consumers who see a package with the unauthorized OK symbol, should please call the OK Kosher office at 718-756-7500. OK Kosher Certification, October 6, 2008 R ACCONTO S PICES , Melrose Park, IL is being sold with an unauthorized OK symbol. This product is not certified by the OK Kosher Certification. OK, October 3, 2008 P OMONA ’ S U NIVERSAL P ECTIN , was mistakenly labeled with the OKKosher symbol. The product is notcertifiedbyOKKosherCertification.Packaging is being corrected. OK, October 2, 2008 B ARESI B RAND I TALIAN P EELED T OMATOES ,Joseph Rutgliano&Sons Inc., South Plainfield, NJ is being sold with an unauthorized OK symbol. This prod- uct is not certified by the OK Kosher Certification. The product is certified by the OU, when bearing an OU symbol. OK, September 22, 2008 M ONSIER P APA M ANGO N ECTAR , prod- uct of Egypt distributed by Haribo Foods, Miami, FL is being sold with an unauthor- ized OK symbol. This product is not certified by the OK. OK, September 15, 2008 MislabeledDairy/Parve G ENISOY R ANCH FLAVOR P OTATO B AKES , Genisoy Food Company, Inc., Tulsa, OK, con- tains dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredi- ent panel but the dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted. Future packaging will be revised. OU, October 7, 2008 L IBBY ’ S P UMPKIN B READ K IT WITH I CING , Nestle-Glendale, CA, is certified as OU-D but the dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted. Future packaging will be revised. The Libby’s Pumpkin Bread Kit without icing is certified as OU Parve. OU, October 7, 2008 Other Alerts B ARBARA ’ S B AKERY C INNAMON P UFFINS AND B ARBARA ’ S B AKERY H ONEY R ICE P UFFINS , Barbara’s Bakery, Petaluma, CA, have been distributed in packaging which contains a non certified promotional packet of drink mix called “EmergenC”. EmergenC is not certified Kosher. Corrective action is being taken. OU, October 3, 2008 S TONE R IDGE R OCKY R OAD I CE C REAM , Supervalu Inc, Chanhassen, MN, is certified only in the current 56 oz container as OU-D. The new 48 oz size will no longer be kosher and will not bear the OU-D. OU, October 3, 2008 B LACK S HEEP ; E. W ALDO W ARD ; KTW; L A V IGNE ; L EE D RAGON ’ S ; M ISTRAL ; O LIVE P IT ; R&M; R ANDY J ONES ; R OBBIES ; S ASSY ’ S ; S MOKIN J ACKS , Waldo Ward & Sons Inc. and are no longer under KSA supervision as of August 1, 2008. Any product with a lot # of 8214 or higher is not under supervision and should not bear a KSA Symbol. Some “low acid” products have a 7 digit alphanumeric lot number where the last number is the year made and the third number through fifth number is the Julian date of produc- tion. KSA, September 29, 2008 U NGER ’ S P IZZA C RUST R EGULAR AND W HOLE W HEAT , bearing the code Best Before January 1, 2009, Frozen Pie shell and Tart shell bearing a lot number 08254 produced under the Unger’s brand are made of yashan flour. New Square, September 29, 2008 COURTESY OF KASHRUT.COM