88 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE SUBMITTED BY: NELLY BOTTON When twin brother Jacob and Nissim celebrated their birthdays this year, Nissim’s birthday was two days after Jacob’s. Yet, Jacob admits that his brother was not born after he was. How is this possible? Last Month’s Riddle: Party Pooper What happened in February 1938 that no bar-misvahs were celebrated in Europe? SOLUTION: Since in 1925 there was only one Adar, boys born that year would celebrate their bar-misvahs 13 year later in Adar II. In 1938, the entire month of February coincided with Adar I so there were no bar-misvahs during that time throughout the world. SOLVED BY: Jeffrey Levy, Ezra Sitt, Bobby Matalon, Isaac Lieber- man, Junior Riddle: Oh Brother SUBMITTED BY: JOEY HARARY Morris and David are brothers. Morris is 33 years old today. This is three times as old as David was when Morris was the age that David is today. How old is David? Last Month’s Junior Riddle: Shrinking Massa A special batch of handmade shmura massa shrinks its length to 1/2 and width to 1/3 each time it is dipped in water. After three dips, its surface was 4 square inches. What was the original length, if the original width was 9 inches? SOLUTION: The original length of massa was 96 inches. SOLVED BY: Jeffrey Levy, Ezra Sitt Useless Trivia Approximate value of Central Park’s 843 acres in 2006 (New York magazine) Average savings each New York City family would realize if the city collected real estate taxes on Central Park. SEND YOUR SOLUTIONS! email: • fax: 718-504-4246 mail: 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223 Correct submissions received by the 20 th of each month will be featured in the next issue along with your name. Riddle: Twin Turmoil “Come here quick,” said the boy, “you won’t believe what I heard! Satan and Gd are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls.” The man said, “Beat it kid, can’t you see it’s hard for me to walk.” When the boy insisted though, the man hobbled slowly to the cem- etery. Standing by the fence they heard, “One for you, one for me; one for you, one for me...” The old man whispered, “Boy, you’ve been tellin’ me the truth. Let’s see if we can see the Gd.” Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tight- er and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of Gd. At last they heard, “One for you, one for me. That’s all. Now let’s go get those two nuts by the fence and we’ll be done.” They say the old man made it back to town a full 5 min- utes ahead of the kid on the bike. D. Bibi THE GOLF CLUB Shloime Bernstein is talking to a friend of his, complaining that he couldn’t join the exclusive Worthington Golf Club. “I don’t understand it,” he said, “I told them my name is Shloime Bernstein and dat I vanted to join der club.” “Shloime,” his friend says, “The club’s restricted. They won’t let Jews join.” Determined to get in whatever it takes, Shloime takes speech lessons, learns about boats and hunting , becomes an accomplished cricket player and practices eat- ing corned beef on white bread with lettuce and mayonnaise. One year later, after a complete transformation, he appears at the door to the golf club wearing a conservative, three- piece suit with a copy of the Wall Street Journal tucked under his arm. The doorman lets him in and escorts him to see the manager of the club. In a clipped New England accent, Shloime tells the manager “I am here to inquire about membership to your esteemed estab- lishment.” “Why certainly,” says the manager, “What is your name?” Shloime replies, “My name is Winthrop van Horton the Third.” “And where is your estate?” asks the manager.  ”Why, Connecticut of course,” replies Shloime. “What line of business is your family in?” asks the manager. “My family’s wealth stretches all the way back to the Mayflower,” replies Shloime, “and currently we have holdings in the railroads and mining inter- ests across the southwest.” Clearly impressed, the manager says, “Just one more question before you become a member. What is your religious affilia- tion?” Shloime’s chest swells with pride at the thought of becoming a member as he says, ”I am a Goy!” Fifi Cohen !  ”  $528 Billion: $13,452: