8 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE  ”  Mashgiah Ruhani R abbi D avid Y osef Executive Mashgiah R abbi E li D avid Executive Editor J ack C ohen Managing Editor D ebbie C ohen Associate Editor L auren N esser Creative Director O rli S anto Graphics Coordinator E sther E lnadav Design Consultant J ennifer E sses Contributing Editors R abbi D ov B rezak D r . J acques D oueck D ave G ordon R abbi E li M ansour R abbi M ax S utton R abbi E liyahu T obal Photographer M orris A ntebi Operations Manager A vi F eldman Director of Sales O dette R ishty Account Executives S arah A boudi R obyn G reen B arbra P anigel a publication of Bnei Aram Soba a non-profit organization 1616 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11223 Telephone: 718-645-4460 Fax: 718-504-4246 email: NEW CENTURY HOME CARE IS THE PROVIDER OF HOME CARE SERVICES FOR SCHARF'S ATERET AVOT & FOR THE ORTHODOX JEWISH COMMUNITY. 1(800)-373-6628