70 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Sefer Torah Dedication at Bnai Yosef Beginning at the home of the sefer Torah’s primary sponsor, Mr. Isaac Schweky, the hachnassat (inaugu- ration of a) sefer Torah on Rosh Hodesh Nissan 5768, drew hundreds from the community. The day also marked twelve months since the passing of Mr. Schweky’s wife Ida, for whom the Torah was dedicated. The lightweight sefer Torah, which was also dedicated by a large group of sponsors, primarily from the Bnai Yosef Torah Center, will be added to the religious articles lent out by Shaare Torah Va’hesed, an orga- nization that offers free lending of religious articles. The gala procession was accom- panied by music and fanfare from Mr. Schweky’s home all the way to Congregation Bnai Yosef, on the cor- ner of Ocean Parkway and Avenue P, where the celebration continued. For more information about borrow- ing the Sefer Torah or other articles from Shaare Torah Va’hesed, call 718-419-6703. Concert Draws Thousands for Jerusalem Approximately 5,000 people attended “Jerusalem United,” an uplifting rally and concert to keep the eternal Jewish capital undi- vided. The program featured musical presentations by Jewish musi- cal sensation Yaakov Shwekey, the world famous group Shalsheles, and an-up-and-coming band, Yaakov Chesed. In addition, there were inspirational guest speakers and heartwarming videos of Jerusalem. Guest speakers included Former Member of Knesset Natan Sharansky, Rabbi Benny Eisner of Yeshiva Merkaz Harav Kook in Jerusalem, National Council of Young Israel President Shlomo Mostofsky, and Daniel Luria, the Executive Director of Ateret Cohanim in Israel. For three hours, the capacity crowd joined together in unison to voice its opposi- tion to the division of Jerusalem. In addi- tion, the event served as a tribute to the eight young students who were brutally murdered on March 6, 2008, when an Arab gunman opened fire inside Yeshiva Merkaz Harav Kook in Jerusalem. The historic event, which was held on Sunday, March 23, 2008 at The Armory in the Washington Heights section of New York City, was presented by the National Council of Young Israel, the Jerusalem Reclamation Project, and the Israel Solidarity Fund of America. All proceeds from the event will ben- efit victims of terror in Israel, displaced fami- lies of Gush Katif, and future projects in Jerusalem’s Old City. Community Chest (from left to right) Yudi Zuller, the founder of the Israel Solidarity Fund of America; National Council of Young Israel President Shlomo Mostofsky; and National Council of Young Israel Executive Vice President Rabbi Pesach Lerner, at the Jerusalem United rally and concert. The thousands of people who attended the Jerusalem United rally and concert at The Armory in NYC sang and danced as some of Jewish music’s most popular stars performed for the crowd. Jewish music star Yaakov Shwekey per- forming on stage at the Jerusalem United rally and concert surrounded by young children who attended the event. Photos: Rhoda Farbowitz