62 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Are we still one community? That inquiring headline dominated the cover of Community less than three years ago. But it was only about fifteen months ago that a truly definitive answer could be proven beyond a doubt. It was then, in February 2007, that some 60 rabbis from across the full spectrum of our community were invited by Chief Rabbi Saul Kassin to an official meeting at Congregation Shaare Zion. At that historic meeting, which was attended by a majority of the rabbis invited from over four dozen congregations and institutions, a vote was taken on whether to allow social gatherings with music between 17 Tamuz and Rosh Hodesh Av. It was decided by an over- whelming majority to uphold our current custom forbidding all social gatherings with music during the Three Weeks. But perhaps more significantly, it was also resolved that the momentous meeting of all the rabbis for the benefit of our community would become a regular occurrence. With that, the Sephardic Rabbinical Council (SRC) was reborn. Since then, the Sephardic Rabbinical Council, which comprises a broad base of rabbis from throughout our community, have met at Shaare Zion about a dozen times to discuss and decide upon various issues critical to our community. Some of the key issues which are currently under discussion include: protecting the sanctity of Shabbat, registering our people in the community wide database, and the formation of a community Bet Din, among others. “The tests the young face today are much more challenging than in the past,” said Rabbi Meyer Yedid of Shaare Zion Congregation and Magen David Yeshiva. “But the outlook for our children can be very bright if our Rabbis work together to lead with wisdom and an understanding eye on the future.” To help implement the initiatives decided at the meetings, the Council has resolved to open an office in the heart of our neighbor- hood at 1982 East 2nd Street. The office will serve as a central com- munication point for our leadership and as a command post to help the Council better serve the community. Rabbi Raymond Beyda was Rabbis Unite for the Community Rabbi Shaul Kassin, Hillel Yeshiva Rabbi Shmuel Choueka, Ohel Simha Cong Rabbi Shlomo Diamond, Ilan High School Rabbi David Ozeri Yad Yosef Torah Center Rabbi David Sutton, Yad Yosef Torah Center Rabbi Eli J. Mansour Bet Yaakob Cong Rabbi Yizhak Mohadeb, Bet Midrash Yam HaTorah Photos: Morris Antebi Rabbi Mordechai Maslaton, Keter Zion Synagogue and Bet Midrash Rabbi Eli David, Bnai Yosef Torah Center (from left to right) Rabbi Yitzhak Farhi, Edmund J. Safra Congregation of Deal (Hathaway); Rabbi Yaakob Mevorach, Shaare Yeshua Congregation of Oakhurst (Red Schoolhouse); Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie, Edmund J. Safra Synagogue (Manhattan)