52 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE “T onight we feel…something akin to the feeling which must have been felt at Ma’amad Har Sinai [the Revelation at Sinai]!” This is how Rav Matityahu Solomon shelit”a of Lakewood’s Beth Medrash Gavoha described the aura at the 10 th anniversary celebra- tion of Dirshu, a renowned international organiza- tion that promotes advanced Torah studies for scholars and laymen. The event, which was held in Yad Eliyahu (Nokia) Stadium in Tel-Aviv on 3 Nissan (April 8), drew an audience of over 12,000, includ- ing scores of distinguished Roshei Yeshivah and Hassidic Rebbes. Many of the thousands of attendees could be seen with their heads buried in their books as they waited to enter the stadium, seeking to capitalize on every available moment for Torah learning. The stadium parking lot was laden with endless rows of buses that brought thousands of people from Jerusalem, Bnei-Brak, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat, Safed, Tiberias, and numerous other locations. The visitors spanned the spectrum of Orthodoxy and spoke numerous different languages, reflect- ing the vast, worldwide network that Dirshu has succeeded in building over the last decade. Additionally, thousands of Jews across the world viewed the event via video hookup. “Building the Shield of Kelal Yisrael ” The event featured inspiring addresses by a number of leading Torah sages, including Rav Matisyahu Solomon, who flew to Israel especially for the celebration. The mashgiah (spiritual advi- sor) described the “dark clouds” hovering over the Jewish people in the form of the brutal enemies seeking their destruction. Only through serious Torah study, he cried, can we withstand these existential threats. Dirshu, through its successful efforts in increasing commitment to Torah learn- ing throughout the world, is, in the mashgiah ’s words, “building the foundation of the shield of Kelal Yisroel .” These sentiments were echoed by Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, who addressed the crowd via video conference and declared, “Strengthening Torah learning is the foundation of everything; without it, there is nothing!” Restoring “ Shas Yidden ” Dirshu founder Rav Dovid Hofstedter put forth in his address the basic philosophy and goal underlying the organization’s activities. The destruction of the world’s great Torah centers dur- ing World War II was followed by a miraculous renewal of Torah learning, but the absence of “ Shas Yidden ” – Jews with thorough proficiency in Talmud – was still felt. Dirshu was founded in order to encourage and inspire Jews to reach for the level of scholarship and diligence that characterized the prewar Yeshivah world, in the hope of restoring the high Torah standards of previous generations. The Great Testimony “Torah is for everyone,” declared the Sanz- Klausenberger Rebbe, “not just for the gifted.” The Rebbe hailed Dirshu’s successful efforts to bring Torah learning to those who would have otherwise remained distant from it. “Only in Heaven is it truly known how many hundreds and thousands of families that until now have not been so close to Torah learning have now become closer to Torah through Dirshu.” He also noted that scores of diligent Yeshivah students have intensified their devotion as a result of Dirshu, adding hours to their already-packed study sched- ules as part of the organization’s projects. Dirshu’s success, the Rebbe concluded, as evidenced by the overwhelming turnout at the anniversary celebration, “is a testimony akin to thousands of witnesses that Torah will never be forgotten from Israel!” CM Over 12,000 Attend Dirshu’s 10 th Anniversary Celebration By Chaim Gold R’ Wosner speaks with the AdmorGer to his left and the Admor Viznitz to his right Over 13,000 talmidei Hachamim attended the historic Kinnus Harav Matisyahu Solomon speaks with Rav Dovid Hofstedter, to his right, listening intently Admor of Belz speaking with Harav Aaron Leib Steinman to his right and Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz to his left . The enthralled crowd at Nokia Stadium Gedolei Yisrael at the Dais. Simhat Torah – in Nissan