4 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Community Magazine is published monthly by Bnei Aram Soba, 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY, USPS Number 0021-802 (ISSN 1552-809X). Copyright 2008 by Bnei AramSoba. Domestic subscriptions $18 or $3 when included inmembership dues. International subscriptions $52. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Community Magazine, 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223. Advertising and sponsorship proceeds are used exclusively for charitable purposes. Advertisements do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Publisher. Readers should always verify kashrut status independently. Advertisements for Internet and related services are intended only for those who have received a heter from their rabbi for use of such services. THIS PUBLICATION CONTAINS MESSAGES OF TORAH AND HALACHOT. PLEASE HANDLE IT APPROPRIATELY. Nissan 5768 May 2008 Volume VII Number 7 (718) 645-4460 Departments 12 Letters 42 The Principal's Principles Respect, R' Dov Brezak 48 The International Community 68 Ask Jidoh 70 Community Chest 78 To Your Health 80 Dental Health Teeth Grinding, Dr. Jacques Doueck 82 Getting on Track Trouble in School, Rifka Schonfeld 84 To Junior’s Health 86 The Lighter Side 88 Riddles 90 Life in the Big City 94 Kashrut Alerts 96 Mabrouks 98 Real Estate 100 Classified Features 18 Overcoming Intolerance RABBI ELI MANSOUR Twenty-four thousand outstanding scholars perished during the first 32 days of the Omer for failing to show proper respect to one another. But how it is possible that these men, who excelled in every other spiritual area, exhibited such disregard for one another so as to warrant capital punishment? 28 Curse of the College LAUREN NESSER For the families who specifically chose to live far from the bustle of Flatbush, in the tranquil suburb of the New Jersey Shore, the influx of college students to the area because of the recent growth of Monmouth University, has made life anything but tranquil. 34 The Ultimate Revenge DR. ELI J. SCHUSSHEIM Touched deeply by the cold-blooded massacre of eight young Yeshiva students just around the corner from their headquarters, the leadership of the Efrat organization has collaborated with top rabbis to devise the ultimate revenge. 36 Thrilling Radio 10 Concert Electrifies and Inspires Only the momentous occasion of Radio 10’s first anniversary could have brought together the top names in Jewish music for an unprecedented night of exhilarating song and inspiration. 40 How Did Our Parents Survive Without Technology? What do young people in our community really think about the popular technology that dominates American culture? The creative writing group at Shaare Torah Boys’ Elementary set out to find out – and the answers may surprise you. 52 Simhat Torah – in Nissan CHAIM GOLD The 10th anniversary celebration of Dirshu, a renowned international organization that promotes advanced Torah studies for scholars and laymen, was a veritable Simhat Torah celebration of epic proportions. 54 The New Deal? JACK COHEN For only the second time in over 60 years, an election in the Borough of Deal is being contested – but without the community’s vote, the local government of Deal, New Jersey could be in for drastic changes. 62 Rabbis Unite for Community With guarded discretion and pure intentions, some 60 rabbis from across the spectrum of our community have been meeting regularly to tackle a myriad of community issues. With the announcement of their first major initiative amid enthusiastic praise, their efforts appear to be paying off.