prominence has caused a stir. Broadcasting 24 hours a day, 6 days a week on 96.7 LPFM and 95.1 LPFM bands throughout Brooklyn and even extending to parts of Staten Island, Radio 10 estimates a listener base of over 35,000. The live broadcasts can now even be heard in the furthest corners of the world by logging on to www. – all at no cost to listeners. The program schedule at Radio 10 consists of the best in Jewish music – both Hebrew and English, talk shows and call-in programs, live interviews, Torah classes and more. Although a majority of the programs on Radio 10 are in Hebrew, there have been an increasing number of English language programs including the Daily Halacha by internationally renowned speaker Rabbi Eli Mansour, and pro- grams with celebrated story teller Rabbi Maimon Elbaz, author of Torahific. Perhaps most significantly though, the station’s upbeat and engaging programs have had a profound effect in bringing many listeners from Brooklyn’s Hebrew speaking population closer to their Jewish roots. CM Yossi Piamenta singing an inspirational rendition of ‘Birkat Hamazon’ Yochai Cohen singing the concert’s opening song ‘Shabihi Yerushalayim’. Music from the all-star 12 piece band filled the concert hall Community boys at the concert before the show. Audience members stormed the stage and danced during the final song of the concert David and Rahamim Shiro delight the audience with a lively rendition of ‘Barechenu’.