T he top names in Jewish music delighted and inspired a capacity crowd of some 2000 electri- fied audience members at the rousing Radio 10 concert on April 3. Entitled “The Gates of Music,” the dynamic pro- duction at the Millennium Theatre marked the one year anniversary of Radio 10 – the only Hebrew-speaking Jewish Community radio station in Brooklyn. The all-star lineup included Gad Elbaz, Yuval Tayeb, Yossi Piamenta, Yishai Lapidot, Itzik Orlev, David and Rahamim Shiro and Yochay Cohen – each of whom enchanted audience members with lively renditions of their current hits. The unprecedented array of top talent is evidence of how Radio 10’s rapid rise to Yuval Tayeb (left) and Yishai Lapidot sing a duet of ‘Anahnu Maaminim’ for the concert finale Itzik Orlev singing his hit song ‘Mitgaagea’. Capacity crowd at the Millenium Theatre at the start of the concert Gad Elbaz showing off his moves while singing ‘Halayla Zeh Hazman’ Radio 10 Concert Electrifies and Inspires Thrilling 36 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE