34 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE By Dr. Eli J. Schussheim A ll over the world, Jews were horrified and heart- broken by the dreadful massacre that took place in Yeshivat Mercaz Harav on Rosh Hodesh Adar II, during which eight innocent young men were brutally slain as they sat in the bet midrash (study hall), immersed in Torah study. But at EFRAT, this tragedy touched us especially deeply. The EFRAT office is just around the corner from the Yeshivat Mercaz Harav campus. After meetings with major Rabbinical figures here in Israel, including former Chief Rabbi Hacham Mordechai Eliyahu shelit”a , EFRAT has decided to launch Project Kedoshei (the holy ones of) Mercaz HaRav, a very special and unique undertaking to commemorate these eight young heroes. Sadly, we all know that the Jewish nation is surrounded and beset by enemies who live only to see Jews die, to see the Jewish nation perish from this earth. But our people have one powerful and compelling response to these evil men and their designs. To those who say, as Pharaoh of old once did “ lest they multiply”, we say “we will increase and multiply”. Since its inception, EFRAT has provided a living example of the Jewish phenomenon of “ ken yirbeh v’ken yifross – so they shall increase and so they shall multiply” (Shemot 1:12). Throughout the 30 years of its existence, EFRAT has prevented thousands of unnecessary abortions and saved thousands of Jews for our nation. What exactly is Project Kedoshei Mercaz HaRav? During the year of mourning for the eight martyrs HY”D, EFRAT has taken upon itself, with the support of the wider Jewish community, to save an additional 800 babies, above and beyond the organization’s already impressive efforts. Imagine one hundred Jewish souls saved in memory of every young life destroyed. What could be a greater comfort for the fathers and mothers of Yochai, Yonadav, Neryia, Doron, Segev Pani’el, Yonatan Yitzchak, Avraham David and Ro’i? Could there be a more potent revenge? The Arab enemies of the Jewish nation are constantly multiplying, and in a few decades, they may be the major- ity in Israel. While I generally do not advocate for acts of revenge, this campaign is unique in that it sends the stron- gest message to those who want to “rise up against us” and destroy us. If for each Jew killed, the Jewish community’s reaction will be to bring another 100 Jewish babies into the world, our enemies will see, as in the time of Pharaoh, that all of their evil efforts are useless. This is the best revenge that we exact on our enemies. We have launched this project with full Rabbinic support and encouragement. We now turn to you as a partner in our mission to help make it happen. The cost of each life we save at EFRAT is a mere $1,200, thus bringing the total sum of this project to nearly $1 million. It is certainly a significant amount, but it dare not be an impossible amount. Contribute what you can to EFRAT, or increase your existing contribution; help to set up a special fundraising drive in your synagogue; or just make it known in your congregation and community that through this project, the atrocity at Merkaz Harav will not go unanswered. With your help, in the very near future, we will hold 800 new lives in our hands. May the Only Redeemer bring the final Redemption to his oppressed and beleaguered nation, and may we live at peace in our land. CM For more information, please call (732)725-1270. You can mail your tax-deductible donation to EFRAT – C.R.I.B. Committee for the Rescue of Israel’s Babies, 1612 57th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204. Please write “Mercaz HaRav campaign” in the memo part of your check. Donations can also be made through the secure website at The Ultimate Revenge: EFRAT’s Project Kedoshei Mercaz Harav