Dear Community Members: IMPORTANT NOTICE TO DEAL REGISTERED VOTERS On Tuesday, May 13th 2008, Deal will hold Municipal Elections for Borough Commissioners. Dorothy O’Donnell and I will be seeking re-election, joining us is Morris Ades, who will be seeking his first full term as Commissioner. This will be the second time in over 60 years that an election in the Borough of Deal will be contested. We are being challenged by Patrick Burgdorf, a Deal resident . . . In view of this, the Franco, O’Donnell, Ades team will need your vote and support . . A large turnout by our Community would reinforce and have a direct and positive impact in further strengthening our position in Deal. Your vote will reaffirm our commitment to continue to maintain Deal’s high standards, to improve the quality of life we now enjoy, and to focus on the needs and requirements of our Community. By voting, you will also be exercising one of the most important rights you have as an American citizen . . . Polls open at 6:00 am until 8:00 pm at the Deal School. So please come out on May 13th, 2008 and exercise that right, by voting for Harry I. Franco, Dorothy O’Donnell, and Morris Ades. “Leadership with Proven Experience”. Thank you. I am grateful for your confidence and support! Sincerely, Harry I. Franco, Mayor PAID FOR BY FRANCO, O’DONNELL, ADES 2008 Major Accomplishments Over $3 million obtained in grants for capital improvements. • Maintained Deal’s tax rate, one of lowest in the state. • Built new state of the art police headquarters with community block grants. • Added extension to administrative building. • Initiated highly specialized law enforcement training for Deal police officers. • Replaced and repaired sanitary sewers, repaved five streets using community • block and DOT grants Instrumental in having Norwood Avenue paved. • Renovated Deal casino with new baby pool, deck, entrance, lounges, umbrellas, • beach services, and new kosher restaurant. Replaced Sydney Avenue Bridge with DOT & NJ transportation grant. •