...And we COULdn’T Be PROUdeR Any publication can make uncorroborated claims about their circulation and get away with it – who’s really counting anyway? At COMMUNITY, we take the high road. Without smoke and mirrors or “fuzzy math” that assumes that each copy is passed around an absurd number of times, we plainly state the irrefutable facts: We print at least 22,000 copies every month – enough to earn the distinction as the most widely circulated Sephardic monthly in the world. And to eliminate any doubt about the veracity of our claims, our circulation statement is certified by a third party auditor and furnished to anyone upon request. . w ’T B Any publication can make uncor oborated claims about heir circulation and get away with it – who’s really counting anyway? At COM UNITY, we take the high road. Without smoke and mirro s or “fuzzy math” that ssumes that each opy is passed around an absurd number of times, we plainly sta e he irrefutable facts: We print a least 22,00 copies v ry month – enough to earn the dist nction as the most widely cir ulated Sephardic monthly in the world. And to elim nate any doubt about the veracity of ur claims, our cir ulation sta ement is certified by a third party auditor and furnished to anyone upon request. 446 Avenue P • 718-645-Pink U l t r a H i g H F a s H i o n s U n b e l i e v a b l y P r i c e d S u n - T h u 1 0 am - 6 pm • F r i 1 0 am - 2 pm D esigner’s C loset D eserves P ink L abel By Rachel Kairy new sPring arrivals And the list goes on and on... m leda baday m Robert Rodriguez m Missoni m Hugo boss m Ports 1961 m racheal roy m Alexander Mcqueen m Vera Wang cal l For s P ec i al Hol i day aP Po i n tmen t s