Community Magazine August 2006

 ”  80 Community Magazine SupervisionChanges& Withdrawals F ratelli C offee , is no longer under the supervision of the cRc. CRC, July 3, 2006 G reenfield M ills , is no lon- ger under the supervision of the cRc. CRC, July 3, 2006 A saro T omato S auce and O ro D i S icilia C ata di M elan - zane E ggplant A ppetizer , bear an unauthorized OU symbol and are not certi- fied as kosher by the Orthodox Union. These products are being withdrawn from the mar- ketplace. Consumers spotting these prod- ucts are requested to contact the Orthodox Union at 212-613-8148 or via email at OU,July18,2006 Mislabeled S unrise H ealth T riple -S trength L ecithin C apsules , Sunrise Health, LLC, Oxford, CT: bears an unauthor- ized OU symbol and is not certified as kosher by the Orthodox Union. This prod- uct is being withdrawn from the mar- ketplace. Consumers spotting this prod- uct are requested to contact the Orthodox Union at 212-613-8148 or via email at OU,July17,2006 R ossini E xtra V irgin O live O il , Bontel USA, Brooklyn, NY: carries an unauthor- ized OK symbol. OK, July 19, 2006 P arthenon O lives and all other products by D.E. G eorgoudis C o . , Volos, Greece; carry an unauthorized OK symbol and are not certi- fied. OK,July19,2006 R eady P ac A pples & C aramel D ip , bears an unauthorized OV and is not certified as kosher by the Vaad of St. Louis. Steps have been taken to have the OV removed and future packages are being revised. CRC, July 20, 2006andconfirmedbytheOV B rio C hinotto flavor , soft drink bears an unauthorized MK and should not be used. MK, July 13, 2006 H andmade A ssorted B reads and C hallahs , Handmade Products Inc., Brooklyn, NY: are certified OU kosher, however, they are not Pat Yisrael. Some Handmade products were distributed with the words “Pas Yisroel” or “Pas Israel” on their label. Corrective action is being taken. Consumers spotting this product are requested to contact the Orthodox Union at 212-613-8148 or via email at kashalerts@ OU, June 30, 2006 MislabeledDairy/Parve F iber S ource ; I so S ource , and IsoSource 1.5 Cal, manufactured by Novartis Nutrition (Taiwanese Label), Minneapolis, MN are certified as OU-D, but the dairy designations have been inadvertently omitted. Future packaging will be revised. OU,July18,2006 F eature F oods C reamed H erring F illets , Feature Foods International, Toronto, ON: contains dairy ingre- dients as listed on the ingredient panel, but the dairy designation has been inad- vertently omitted. Future packaging will be revised. OU, July 14, 2006 Other Alerts B ack to N ature , located at 535 Kings Highway Brooklyn, NY is certified by the Vaad of Flatbush. The Vaad is responsible for the kashrut at that location only. The Vaad is NOT responsible for the kashrus at the Back to Nature franchise in Deal, NJ. The Deal location is certified by the JSOR. For further information please contact the Vaad’s Kashrut Administrator Rabbi Meir Goldberg at 718-951-8585 or 347-203- 0289. Vaad of Flatbush, July 18, 2006 D ippin ’ D ots , ice cream products (dairy- halav stam) and ices products (parve) are supervised by the OVonly when produced in Paducah, KY. Our certification is limited to these products and does not cover the kosher status of any other products served at Dippin’ Dots kiosks or stores. OV, June 6, 2006 D unkin ’ D onuts fruit flavored C oolatas , all flavors are kosher and are acceptable to use. However, the smooth- ies with yogurt base presently being dis- tributed at Dunkin’ Donuts are not certi- fied as kosher by the Rabbinical Council of New England. Yogurt Smoothies can only be purchased in a reliably kosher certified store. R a b b i n i c a l Council of New England, July 5, 2006 E ntenmann ’ s E nten -M ini S ponge C ake , Entenmann’s, Inc., Bay Shore, NY: This product is not certified as kosher and does not bear the symbol. Consumers should always check for the symbol and not rely on brand recognition. OU, June 30, 2006 Courtesy of Kashrut Alerts