Community Magazine August 2006

 ”  24 Community Magazine ity, with direction. The greatest source of advice and guidance on any topic is the Torah and its scholars. If a person wants to open a business, the Torah will show him when he should open it, how he should conduct the business, what constitutes ethical behavior in the marketplace, and when it is permissible to work. When a person wishes to get married, the Torah is there, guiding him on how to choose a mate, and how to prepare for a life of shalom bayit. When a person has children, the Torah provides guidance and instruction how to raise and educate those children along the proper path. “Delve in it, and delve in it again, for it contains everything.” At every stage in life, under any circumstances, the best advice that can be given is to learn and study Torah. In Europe, there used to be Rabbis known as mochichim, who would travel among the Jewish communities to administer rebuke. Amochi’ach once came to Vilna and asked the Gaon of Vilna which issue he should address, what area of religious life in Vilna warranted particular emphasis. The Gaon replied, “Speak about learning Torah – because this includes everything.” If a person spends time studying Torah, if he exerts himself in the pursuit of Torah knowledge, every- thing else will come in due time. This is precisely Ben Bag Bag’s message. We must devote more time to learning, attend more classes, put in the effort to learn, and we will be amazed at the invaluable guidance the Torah provides us, the wealth of knowledge it contains. There is no greater pursuit than Torah. We must not merely talk about it, but study it, analyze it, and, as the Mishna says, grow old and weary from it, and never leave it at any point during our lives. CM Dedicated for the yeshua of the Jews in the land of Israel tired of paying list price for Magazines? Get Subscriptions at wholesale prices! Over 1300 Titles! Call for your favorite magazines! Now on the Web! C all Avi 718-501-8855 Email: up to 90% off!