Community Magazine August 2006

 ”  Community Magazine is published monthly by Bnei Aram Soba, 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY, USPS Number 0021-802 (ISSN 1552-809X). Advertising and sponsorship proceeds are used exclusively for charitable purposes. Advertisements do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Publisher. Copyright 2006 by Bnei Aram Soba. Domes- tic subcriptions $18 or $3 when included in membership dues. International subscriptions $36. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Community Magazine, 1616 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11223 This Publication contains messages of Torah and halachot. please handle it appropriately. Av 5766 August 2006 Volume V Number 11 (718) 645-4460 Features 16 Higher Education Rabbi Mansour Among institutes of higher learning, the frequency with which textbooks are updated to keep up with the ever changing body of knowledge is a mark of distinction – the more often, the better. By contrast, there is one text, whose primary distinction is the very fact that it never needed updating – and it continues to be as current as it was the day it was written. 26 Teleducation Dave Gordon In spite of the many diversions at their disposal, watching television continues to be the top activity for kids today. As their primary means for learning about the world, how is television shaping their lives? 52 Swimming in Sewage Albert Sutton While the beaches of the Jersey shore may never have been known to have pristine waters, few would expect to find that dangerously high levels of contaminants have been plaguing these area beaches for some time. 42 The Principal’s Principles Rabbi Dov Brezak Learning from the Animals The thought of treating children like animals is enough to make most parents shudder in disgust. But a careful comparison between typical animal training and normal child rearing reveals that often the animals are actually treated better. 46 Past, Present and Future of the Argentinean Jewish Community: Heichal Hatorah As the challenges of maintaining Torah education in Argentina continue, one institution forges ahead to strengthen the community 82 Uncostly Couture Jennifer Esses Why spend a fortune on clothes when you can wear the latest styles for a fraction of the price? Our fashion editor reveals the inside scoop on how to save hundreds. 92 Securing the Future of Our Community Ahaba Ve Ahva Sepharadic Bet Yaakov Pnina Souid With years of success in providing our community’s girls with the highest caliber education, Ahaba Ve Ahva is expanding to accommodate the next generation. Departments 14 Letters 34 The Top 10 Most Overlooked Jewish Laws Laws of Dressing & Grooming 38 The Shaatra Files Occupying the Lazy Days of Summer, Judy Chabbot 54 Community Chest 58 Harmony in the Home Smile.. Your Marriage Is On Kiddie Camera , Shlomo Leiberman, LCSW 62 To Your Health 64 Dental When Your Teeth Don't Mesh Dr. Jacques Doueck 66 To Junior’s Health 68 Ask Jidoh 70 The International Community 74 The Lighter Side 76 Riddles 78 Life in the Big City 80 Kashrut Alerts 83 Mabrouks 84 Real Estate 92 Fashion Flash Cruise Into Fall, Jennifer Esses COMMUNITY