Community Magazine December 2003

56 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE s xc The Sephardic Food Fund Changing Lives F or the past five years Joey has been running his family business. It was once a chain of discount stores that covered New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. Today they are left with their only store buried in debt with every supplier threatening to sue. The pressure is immense, but Joey knows how to hide it. He comes to shul and interacts with all his friends conceal- ing from them his true situation. If they knew, they would give him the shirts off their backs. Joey is too proud - his family was once known for their com- mitment to charity – he will not show his pain. He comes home to his wife and three children with that same smile and warmth as the good old days – vowing to tap all his sources of credit to keep the roof over their heads. Joey confides only to his wife Sarah, as months go by with sleepless nights. Sarah doesn’t ask for much when she prays, only to be able to put food on her table for her husband and three beautiful little children.