Community Magazine December 2003

CHAIA ERBLICH'S CLIENTS TALK ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES… ! I suffered from EBV and Chronic Fatigue for over five years. Mrs. Erblich helped in two months. I thought I'll never feel good again. I'm thrilled! ! My daughter was allergic to many foods. We tried all kinds of things. Finally Chaia Erblich helped with energy treatments and nutrition. ! I was married for five years and didn't have children. I had a thyroid disorder which did not respond to medicine. Mrs. Erblich treated me with energy and specialty nutrients and not long after that I had a boy. I have three children now. Boruch Hashem! ! I tried losing weight for years. I couldn't. Mrs. Erblich suggested the right food combination for my body and it worked! I finally started losing! ! My wife's vision suddenly got blurry. She almost went blind. The doctor was at a loss. "I see you losing your eyesight right in front of me and I don't know what to do," he said. Mrs. Erblich told us it was due to certain toxicity. We cleared the house of it and her vision returned to normal. ! I had backache for years and tried all kind of healing modalities. I thought it would be with me for life. Bio Kinetic Energy helped. I feel like new. ! I suffered from panic attacks and was afraid to leave my house. I had many other phobias. Mrs. Erblich, G-D bless her, helped me get rid of it. ! I had cancer and went through surgery and chemo. The doctors said I won't make it. I felt so weak that I also believed it's over. But Hashem had other plans. I was told about Mrs. Erblich and her treatments strengthened my immune system. It's been seven years. Boruch Hashem! ! I was treated with medication for depression for many years. Still, I felt miserable. Through Energy, Bach remedies and guided nutrition Mrs. Erblich pulled me out of the dark life I was in. I am functioning well now. I thank G-D for sending me to her. ! I used to spend over $300.00 a month on vitamins and still felt lousy. Mrs. Erblich told me I am allergic to most of those vitamins and that I didn't metabolize them to begin with. She treated me with energy and proper nutrition and most of my symptoms had disappeared. ! Our teenage daughter suddenly stopped walking. Doctors were at a loss. They made all kind of tests but couldn't figure out why it happened. We went to Mrs. Erblich and she suggested we check the mezuzah to her room. Sure enough there was something wrong with it. One night, soon after it was corrected, we heard her walking towards our room, screaming, "I can walk! I can walk!" To us it was a miracle. ! My mother-in-law had broken her hip. She was in traction for six weeks and her bone would not heal. We turned to Mrs. Erblich and she gave us Energy drops to apply on the broken area. We were in shock when a few days later an x-ray indicated the bone finally began to heal. ! My son's ADD drove us crazy. He was a mystery to us. We didn't know why he behaved the way he did. Mrs. Erblich did a personality analysis on him and opened our eyes. There is so much we didn't understand! I look at the child in a completely new view now. Mrs. Erblich also treated him with Energy and Bach remedies and thank G-D he is doing so much better today. The teachers are also very happy. It's great! ! I suffered from a sleep disorder for years. I hated taking sleeping pills but nothing else helped. Energy and a natural remedy got me to sleep. E.B.V & C.M.V. - Chronic Fatigue Headaches / Backaches Stomach Problems Sugar Problems - (high or low) Skin Problems Arthritis / Fibromyalgea Allergies / Candida / Parasites Recurring Colds / Strep Menstrual Problems Find out the EXACT cause of your problem Is it stress? Environmental? Psychological? Food? Genetic? Etc… Then we treat it with THE MOST POWERFUL HOLISTIC METHODS CHAIA ERBLICH (845) 362-0222 Offices in Monsey and Boro Park - We accept Credit Cards WITH THE HASKOMA OF ESTEEMED RABBONIM Also treating Cancer, Heart Disease and many other problems DEPRESSION - You feel like giving up. Nothing makes you happy. Your are numb. No one understands you. PANIC ATTACK - You don't know where to run, what to do. It feels like a heart attack. You can't breathe or talk. You feel dizzy, scared, lost. You are afraid it's the end! OCD - You can't stop repeating thoughts and actions. It drives you and others crazy. But you can't stop! ADD - Parents and teachers find it intolerable. And he/she is such a nice child! Adults suffer from it too. INSOMNIA - Those dreary sleepless nights. Help! Energy - Nutrition - Bach Remedies - Essential Oils - Vitamins - Crystals Holistic Talk Therapy - Targeted Exercise - Specialty Nutrients and More PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL In the nearly twelve years that I've been doing this work I had seen some very amazing results. I always tell my clients to remember that all healing, regardless to the method, comes from Hashem. He uses varied messengers but it's from Hashem. I am grateful to be His messenger. BIO KINETIC ENERGY HEALING & TESTING