Community Magazine December 2003

five hundred scholars study in ten different places, in our kollelim. Dozens of our alumnae have become prominent Rabbis in many cities of Israel. Close to one hun- dred important seforim in aspects of Torah have been authored by our talmidim. Thousands of families receive stipends for the holidays, in an honorable discreet way. In addition to the many wid- ows and orphans who depend on our charity. But the pressing needs of a growing community, far outstrip our ability to provide. More and more Torah scholars are knocking on our doors, more and more needy appeal to our institution. The generosity of their brethren “acheinu kol bais yis- roel” in the Diaspora is their only hope. We offer the possibility to inscribe the name of your loved ones in our sefer zicaron that has been kept safe for gener- ations, or by engraving their name on the grand plaque in the various Batei Midrash, where the sweet voice of Torah study never ceases to be heard. Any time one is in urgent need, or in request of hat- zlacha, all you need is the zchus of Rebbe Meir Baal HaNes. By having the pushka ready and handy, and adding the prayer of: "ELAKA D'MEIR ANENU". Our office has received many amazing letters, attesting to the great wonders this mitzvah can merit from Hashem. It is only so, because of the great many Tzadikim who assured us of its efficacy. Large scale food distribution to large needy families before Yom-Tov ADVERTISEMENT ... please find a signed check in the amount of $360. Just a note: My son was in the WTC Building #1, and I hadn’t heard from him for the first two hours. I put aside $180, I took the money out of my wallet and put it on the table next to me and said,”This is for my son’s life” and my thoughts were for R’ Meir Baal Hanes to pray for me, and as I put the money down I recieved a call from my son, he had just gotten down to the ground floor, and called me as he was leaving the building. None of the cell phones were working, but he was able to get through to me. A ness for sure! Hope this story brightens your day! EXCERPT OF A LETTER FROM ONE CONTRIBUTOR "What's this?" he asked. Reb Dovid told him how he met the Chida who taught him the secret of a she'eilas alom and how the number was revealed to him, but he was not sure which one. So he ly bought one lottery ticket, which did not win. If it would have won, the sum would ve appeared on the list of profits. Now, because it did not win, the cost of the ticket peared on the list of expenses. The gaon replied "I do not authorize the expense. I did not send you on a trip to buy lottery ticket! Reb Dovid was astonished. He sincerely wanted to save the congregation from their rdships;he made a she'eilas chalom and was answered,, and he even almost won! If one rgets something, it is not his fault. HaRav Kalisker said to him, "Why do you forget? I'll tell you more then that. Why did ashem bring a tyrant who heavily burdened us and why did Hashem arrange things so at the money from our countries was not enough and we were forced to search for other urces? Why did we have to learning and growth and to send you wandering for seven ars? "Do you know why? Because Hakodosh Boruch Hu wanted to give more and more jews e zechus of donating money to the residents of Eretz Yisroel and to Tzedokoh of Rabbi eir Baal Haness. You have no idea how exalted this Tzedokoh is and which gates of good- ss and blessings are opened for those who support it! Our Father in heaven decided that was worthwhile to afflict us with the burden of debts and onerous taxes and to decree andering on you in order to be mezake many Jews in the Diaspora How did you think u could exempt yourself from all of it by buying a lottery ticket? Does Hakodosh Boruch u lack money? He owns all the silver and gold! He dose not lack money, but he wants to ve Jews merit." ZULAI ) zt”l & R’ D OVID A SHKENAZY For more information, please contact our office: Rebbe Meir Baal Hanes Charities Kollel Ahavas Yisroel V’Yerushalayim P. O. B OX 19118 • B ROOKLYN , NY, 11219 T EL : 718.686.1315 • 888.4.PUSHKA • F AX : 718.435.0348 All contributions are tax deductible T OLL F REE