Community Magazine December 2003

s xc Art With Scissors and A Comb R andi Sheitel Macher 1912Avenue M 7183394053 888 SHEITEL I magine traveling three hours-by airplane, for the specific pur- pose of getting a haircut! It sounds a bit far fetched, yet that is exactly what some of Randi Schneider's most particular cus- tomers have done. Having been the stylist for performers of the Phantom of the Opera, CBS Broadcasting and other very public fig- ures who demand the best, Randi has become known as a perfec- tionist. Even once her customer is pleased, she will not consider a job complete until, in her trained eyes, the style is just right. Randi, began her professional career as a licensed hair stylist over eighteen years ago. Today, she is known as a master in the art of hair sculpting and is highly adept in the technical aspects. Her keen eye for balance and incredible creativity are the sources of her flair for styling hair in a way that brings out the most flattering rendition of each individual face. With a comb, scissors, and a blow dryer Randi is able to fashion a hairstyle that can make a woman feel like a new person. To remain at the top of her game, she also regularly attends fashion shows and seminars to keep up with latest trends and better serve her discerning clientele. To the delight of women of Flatbush, about a year and a half ago, Randi took her career one step further and-after a grand open- ing ceremony marked by a ribbon cutting ceremony with City Councilman Mike Nelson-became Randi the Sheitel Macher (wig stylist). Her expertise in hair design and trends enables her to adapt the latest styles to fit into the parameters of Jewish law, while still keeping the essence of the style intact. Her designs are sophisticat- ed and trendy; each one a unique work of art. With her magical touch, Randi can even bring an inferior quality wig to life. And when a customer decides that she wants a new look, Randi can complete- ly restyle their old wig-a feat that many believe is impossible. Randi also manufactures the most superbly crafted and natural looking custom wigs, made from one hundred percent European hair. Before the wigs are woven, Randi shows the actual hair to the customer to make sure they are happy with the texture and color. Then she patiently guides them throughout the entire process, always forthcoming with her expert advice-but never pressuring. Randi is care- ful to leave the ultimate deci- sion to her client's discretion. "After all it's the cus- tomers who have to wear the wig afterwards," Randi explains. As much as she is appreciated for her excellent work- manship, Randi is loved for her outstanding character. Warm, friendly and extremely personable, Randi treats each customer with unparalleled devotion, giving them her full and undivided attention. This philosophy is also reflected by design of her beautiful wig salon in Flatbush. A red carpet leading to pol- ished mahogany door ushers customers in to the elegant, yet friendly salon. Tastefully decorated, the space is accented by fresh flowers, the warm glow of aromatherapy candles and the scent of the fresh coffee that is always brewing, So whether you've traveled from Florida for hours by jet or took a five minute stroll from Midwood, you'll be glad you made the trip! BY : NECHAMA YITZCHAKI SPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE