Community Magazine November 2003

Thanks for making us #1 agazine V OLUME II N O .4 Adar 1 5763 February 2003 th bout e Evil Eye B Y : R A B B I E L I M A N S O U R entina, Still Crying A T H A N G O L D i Surprise 9 2/80( ,, 1 2 $GDU ,, 0DUFK 3\UDPLG 6FKHPH 8QLWLQJ DV 2QH 1DWLRQ $ 7UHH *URZV LQ /DNHZRRG 8OWLPDWH *UHHQ 6XSHU )RRGV +$0$1 2) 7+( <($5 O FF -P EAK M EGILAH S CHEDULE : PAGE 68 63 color.qxd 2/26/2003 4:11 PM Page 1 V OLUME II N O .6 Nisan 5763 April 2003 THE REMARKABLE LIFE OF ISIDORE NOURI DAYAN A”H CHANGING THE PARTY PLATFORM Rabbi Eli Mansour CONGREGATION BNEI . . . WAL-MART? Rabbi Isaak Dwek and Rabbi David Ozeri A NIGHT OF INSPIRATION III In memory of Rachel Haber Cohen Apr 63 color.qxd 3/27/2003 11:37 AM Page 1 9 2/80( ,, 1 2 ,\DU 0D\ -HUXVDOHP &KLHI 5DEEL +DFKDP 6KDORP 0HVVDV O ” Q @ ^ 3HUIHFW (WLTXHWWH %\ 5DEEL (OL 0DQVRXU +DFKD NOT Back-to- School Why Even Average Students Are Finding it Difficult to Get Into a Community High School Victoria Matalon How to Get Those Pretrial Jitters Rabbi Eli Mansour Palm Reading Rabbi Yirmiya Ullman Shaare Torah ReunionMeetings Bright Side of the Blackout Increase your business, advertise with the most widely circulated Sephardic magazine. 718.645.4460 G E T T I NG E NG AG E D ? D ON ’ T MAKE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE . B RING HOME THE RIGHT RING . 501KingsHighway Brooklyn,N.Y.11223 718.336.1980 Complete selectionofengagement rings,eternitybands,watches,pearls and fine jewelry forover 35 years.GIA certifieddiamond graderonpremises. Chamoula Jewelers ,Inc. C One solution to all your legal and tax needs. 444 Avenue W Brooklyn, NY 11223 (718)375-7766 THE LAW OFFICE OF JACK ERDOS Attorney at Law Certified Public Accountant J ACK E RDOS , E SQ , CPA over 10 years of legal & accounting experience Specializing in: • R EAL E STATE Purchase/Sale/Lease of Homes, Apartments, RetailSpaces&CommercialOfficeBuildings • E STATE P LANNING Wills,Trusts,SuccessionPlanning,TaxPlanning • T AXES TaxReturnPreparation, IRSMatters • C OMMERCIAL M ATTERS Business Formations, Joint Ventures, Acquisitions/Dispositions Wishing everyone a prosperous and sweet new year! Licensed in New York & New Jersey vcuy vba "I got more calls than I expected from my ad in Community Magazine. People are always referring to it and it has improved my visibility in our community." J ACK E RDOS , A TTORNEY , CPA “The ad was a real hit. I was very pleasantly surprised that I got so many customers through Community Magazine because ads I’ve placed elsewhere didn’t produce anywhere near these kinds of results. R ENEE S CHWEKY , A BOUT F ACE About Face Renée Schweky 732.961.1017 Have your makeup done by an experienced, professional expert in the comfort of your own home. Certified by Il-Makiage,NY. “Community Magazine is my only real advertising medium. After just a few runs, sales nearly doubled" S HELOMO C HAMOULA , C HAMOULA J EWELRY