Community Magazine November 2003

HESHVAN 5764 NOVEMBER 2003 45 I couldn’t help but think how amazing the past few minutes had been. How often do firemen come to check fire hydrants? And why did they come to check this particular one on Avenue S on a random Saturday at 12:30 in the afternoon? It became very appar- ent to me that Hashem was truly looking out for us, and that if we stop worrying for a second, and just pray wholeheartedly with complete faith, things can just work themselves out. Jennifer C. Odds on the Jackpot One recent evening, as we were leaving a Chinese auction, my husband and I overheard someone on a cell phone with an urgent tone in her voice. “……was taken back to the hospital—read Tehillim for her.” I knew the person and was quite upset to hear this. In the car I recited whatever Tehillim I knew by heart, and once we were back home I sat down to read additional Tehillim. But in the back of my mind, I’m ashamed to admit, drifted occasional thoughts of the auction. Would they call if we won, or would they think it was too late? What if we won the jackpot raffle-then we had a chance to win every prize! Etc, etc. Finally, upset at myself, I closed the book momentarily, and thought, “Hashem! I don’t care about the jackpot raffle, or the jew- elry or anything else! I don’t want to win anything! Please just let her have a refuah shelemah (full recovery)! My yetzer hara (evil inclination), however, was not put off so eas- ily. I started to think, so what if they did pick my name? I’d tell them something happened, I couldn’t accept the prize, and ask if they could please pick someone else. But if it got late, and they didn’t call until tomorrow, they might have discarded the other tickets already. So then I’d just donate the prize right back to the Yeshivah… Eventually I was able to settle down and read with kavanah. The next afternoon, I got a call from one of the auction committee members. “We accidentally forgot to put the jackpot ticket in each prize box, so we didn’t do the jackpot raffle drawing. We’re calling to ask if you’d like your money refunded?!” Overcome with a feel- ing I couldn’t describe, I said “No, thank you, it’s fine.” I hung up, thinking if Hashem wanted to grant my request, He could have just arranged for my ticket to not be selected-but He wanted me to know that my prayers had an effect. Was His message for me to realize what I can accomplish with my prayers, or to straighten out my pri- orities and not focus on material acquisitions—or some other les- son? I’m not sure, everyone can draw their own conclusions. N. W. Send your true story to: Community Magazine email: Fax: 718-504-4246 Mail: 1616 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11223 s ” xc E NHANCE Y OUR B EAUTY S AFELY & P ERMANENTLY With Safe & Effective Electrolysis & Laser Treatments: g Packages Are Available With Discounts For Multiple Treatments g Many Physician & Hospital References the gentle way to permanent hair removal 367 Avenue U• 718.265.4024 Corner of Ave U & East 1st Street • Entrance from East 1st St g All Skin Types Including Tanned Skin g Specializing in Difficult Areas Gift Certificates Are Available • • • Free Consultation in Strict Privacy