Community Magazine October 2003

1160 3RD AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 212-794-7200 24 Hour Toll Free Helpline Free Delivery Insurance Consultant on Staff Lowest Prices on Fertility Drugs SPECIALIZING IN FERTILITY DRUGS Yeshivat Ohr Hachaim serves our community as a yeshiva for sephardic boys, after high school or back from Eretz Yisrael, with a desire to continue learning Torah. With individual attention to each and every talmid our focus is to instill Yirat Shamayim and Midot Tovot. Alongside the shiurim in Gemara, Halacha, and Mussar there is an active Kollel of outstanding talmidei chachamim with time set aside to learn with each bochur. In a warm atmosphere centrally located in Lakewood, NJ, the yeshiva benefits from all the surrounding chachamim and Roshei Yeshivot. There is a spacious clean dormitory and dining room serv- ing all meals including Shabbat with recreation and seasonal trips completing the program. With Gratitude to Hashem , we have com- pleted our first successful year and are excepting applications for the winter semester. Please call: Rabbi Eliyahu Sutton: 732-942-7641 or Rabbi Reuven Betesh: 732 886-8896 1193 West County Line Rd Lakewood, NJ 08701 732-942-1621 vcuy vnh,j vch,fu ,ucr ohbak ufz,