Community Magazine October 2003

Shaare Zion Torah Center 2030 Ocean Parkway M ONDAY I NSPIRATIONAL S ONGS OF D AVID Mrs. Naomi Sutton 10am-11am (from10/27) An eight week course on Tehillim E NLIGHTENING S HABBAT Mrs. Carol Haber 11:15am-12:30pm 12:30pm-1:00pm Light Lunch I NSPIRING K ASHRUT Mrs. Carol Haber 1:00pm-2:15pm T UESDAY C LASSIC J EWISH T HOUGHT Mrs. Carol Haber 11:15am-12:15pm As taught to us by master Jewish thinkers. Beginning with "Strive For Truth" by Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler L ASHON HA T OV - P OWER OF P OSITIVE S PEECH Mrs. Sarah Malka 12:30pm-1:30pm The laws of permissible and forbidden speech with emphasis on the aspects of positive speech. W EDNESDAY B LENDING OUR W OMANLY W ISDOM Mrs.Sarah Haddad 10:30am-11:45am (Sep-Jan) Laws of Taharat Hamishpaha, balancing each les- son with the Torah's wisdom on Shalom Bayit. P ARENTING Mrs. Sarah Haddad 10:30am-11:45am (Feb-Jun) Informative and inspiring insights D AUGHTER OF Q UEENS 8:45pm Tzniut for high school and post high school girls M ONDAY "I wish everyone would take this class!" S HMIRAT H ALASHON W ORKSHOP Barbara Ozeri 11:00-12:00 Starts 10/27 The week starts off with Mrs. Barbara Ozeri guiding her students through the classic works of the Chafetz Chaim. The atmosphere is very exciting as the ladies engage in lively discussions as they learn to apply these most important concepts to their everyday speech. So much damage is done in families, friend- ships and in the community at large when we aren't careful with the way we speak. "I wouldn’t miss this class for the world!" F ROM T HE B EGINNING -H UMASH IN D EPTH Barbara Ozeri 12:15-1:15 Starts 10/27 For someone who is looking to learn the lessons needed to make her life the best that it can be, she needs to look only into the pages of the Chumash and its commentaries- It's all there! Explanations of Chumash Bereshit from many different sources teach lessons that can be brought into one's life in a very real way. "She makes so much sense!" B EYOND S HALOM B AYIT Linda Chabbott 1:15- 2:15 Starts 10/27 For those interested in maximizing the potential in their marital relation- ship, this class is your answer. Whether there are definite areas of your marriage that need to be improved, or you just want to make a good marriage into a great one, Mrs. Linda Chabbott can help it hap- pen. She is the ideal role model, whose sharp intelligence, intuitive nature, wit and charm make her class such an enjoyable way to get the skills you need to get the responses you want in your marriage. T UESDAY "This course has changed my life!" C HARACTER I MPROVEMENT Bonnie Mansour 11:00-12:15 Starts 10/21 The "Midot Series" continues to be a favorite among many of the women who have attended over the years. For those of us that want to "change the world" our Rabbis tell us the first thing we must do is to look inside and fix ourselves, and once we have refined our own characters, only then can we positively affect those around us. For those who have never been exposed to classes in character refinement, this course is a must! Mrs. Bonnie Mansour explores a dif- ferent character trait each week, using stories and anecdotes to help her students internalize the lessons. "I’ve become infinitely calmer and more peaceful" E FFECTIVE P RAYER Bonnie Mansour 1:00- 2:15 Starts 10/21 This course, has opened the eyes of so many to the power of prayer and the peace of mind that comes when a person really knows how to connect properly with her Creator. Students say that as the weeks of the course go by, their Emunah grows stronger and stronger and that the time they spend with their Siddur has become the most meaningful time of their day. If prayer was never that mean- ingful for you, or you need a boost in your Emunah, this is the course for you W EDNESDAYS "It is exactly what I needed!" T SNIUT W ORKSHOP Bonnie Mansour 11:15-12:15 Starts 10/22 Over two years ago, a small group of women started getting together once a week to gain strength from each other in the mitzvah of modesty. This has led to a movement of many women in the community making changes in this mitzvah. Because the changes are difficult, with many obstacles along the way, and because the laws of modesty are sometimes confusing and need to be explained, the Wednesday Tsniut Workshop has proven itself to be "just what the doctor ordered" for those who are struggling with this most fundamen- tal Mitzvah. "The atmosphere in my home on Shabat is so different now!" 39 M ELACHOT OF S HABBAT Bonnie Mansour 1:00-2:15 Starts 10/22 Last year, Mrs. Bonnie Mansour started her Shabbat course with the positive aspects of the laws of Shabbat. This year she will be con- tinuing on with the 39 melachot. If you haven't learned them since high school, you are surely in need of a refresher course. Each Melacha is studied in depth with a focus on understanding the principles so that when situations come up on Shabbat, you will be able to apply the principles learned and know just what to do. T HURSDAYS "Each class is a masterpiece!" I NSIGHTS I NTO THE W EEKLY P ARASHA Rabbi David Sutton 11:30-12:30 Rabbi Sutton continues to amaze us as he teaches his weekly Parasha class. Each class is creative and ingenious as he weaves his way towards the lesson of the week, using sources from all throughout Tanach and the writings of great Jewish thinkers throughout the ages. He will give you plenty to say at the Shabbat table that probably will be new to all your listeners. "All the tools we need to manage every sort of situation that comes up” E FFECTIVE P ARENTING Linda Chabbott 1:00-2:00 Starts 10/23 Mrs. Linda Chabbott's common sense approach to raising children has made an incredible difference to the parents that have attended her course. "She just has it!" say her stu- dents. "When she speaks, she makes so much sense that we wonder why we didn't think of it ourselves!" We learn how to "raise" our children (give them confidence and self esteem) and discipline them at the same time, all in an atmosphere of warmth and love. Avenue J/Yad Yosef Torah Center 1032 Ocean Parkway • 718 677-3707 Ladies Learning Programs Fall/Winter 2003 Yad Yosef's Jewish Library is open Monday-Thursday in between classes and stocked with all the latest books. N EW "O NE ON O NE " L EARNING P ROGRAM There are women in the community who would rather learn subjects tai- lored to their specific needs, in a pri- vate setting. There are also those who have been learning for years and would like to share their knowledge with others. Yad Yosef will make the match! Contact Bonnie Mansour: 718-627-6366 Dedicated in Memory of: Penina bat Boukas v ” g Schweky