Community Magazine October 2003

T he last weeks before the start of the new school year in Israel mark the end of the long, hard Lev L'Achim enrollment drive that begins before Purim and pushes forward relentlessly till September. No army can advance without money and in the late summer when fundraising comes to a virtual standstill, it is the annual Deal Reception that tradition- ally saves the day by providing the fund- ing which allows the Lev L'Achim people in the field to finalize their careful negoti- ations with parents & schools and solidify the registration of thousands of children in Torah schools. The empathy of the Deal Community combined with the knowledge that soon we will be rejoicing in the miracle of yet another successful "Rishum", usually lend this evening a lighthearted atmosphere. The tragedies of the preceding week though, had transformed what otherwise had come to be an annual celebration of sorts with a somber tone. As buoyed as everyone was with the good news emanating from the Lev L'Achim front, the devastating bus bombing in Jerusalem and the tragic passing of Michael Safdeye Z'l left one and all looking for chizuk; for answers that would enable us to go on and make our lives more meaningful. After a brief introduction from Mr. Eddie Betesh, Campaign Chairman and perennial Lev L'Achim activist, the renowned Rav Uri Zohar shlit'a, stepped up to the microphone. After warmly thanking the hosts of the evening, Joey & Jody Cohen, who opened their home and spon- sored a truly beautiful event which featured a sumptuous Melava Malka in a massive, elegantly appointed tent, Rav Uri Zohar shlit'a lost little time in making his point. As the leading Ba'al Teshuva in Israel, Rav Zohar is well known for being a man of introspection who carefully reads in to every happening to discern what it is Hashem wants from us. On the following pages are Rav Zohar’s remarks as well as those of Rav Eliyahu Meir Klugman shlit'a, Rosh Yeshivat Nve Zion in Jerusalem who only recently had been appointed by the Gedolei Yisrael to the Hanhalla of P'eylim / Lev L'Achim and excerpts of remarks delivered by the Philadelphia Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit'a. 24 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE s ” xc Inspiration at Annual Deal Reception For P'eylim/Lev L'Achim B Y : AV I M E N A S H E Remembering That We Are One Campaign Chairman, Mr. Eddie Betesh, welcomes the crowd to the Deal Community Reception for PROJECT RISHUM. Seated (L-R) Rav Uri Zohar, Rav Zvi Eliach, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky & Rabbi Nachum Barnetsky