Community Magazine March 2003

68 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE s ” xc Dear Community Magazine, I have recently read your January 2003 volume II number 3 issue and I really enjoyed it. I thank you for the points to ponder and lessons to learn. I’d like to mention a halachic issue that seems to contradict the “Magic” column in the above issue. Being that it is the first time reading your magazine, I don’t know if “Magic” is a permanent section or not but feel the need to comment on it. I’d like to inform the publisher of a few mekorot (sources) that prohibit magic tricks in strictest terms. I’d appreciate if you’d take a few moments to read them and respond. Thank you. Sincerely, E. Yanay Dear Reb Yanay, Thank you for writing to us about this issue, clearly the attachment to your letter cited well researched and undeniable sources for restrictions on “magic” from great rabbinic authorities including Rambam (Maimonides) and the leader or our generation Hacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita. To clarify the halacha regarding the specific magic article that you referred to, the case was presented to our Mashgiah, Hacham David Yosef Shlita. While there is no contention that Kishuf or “black magic” is absolutely forbidden, Hacham Ovadia also rules that “professional magic” which involves elaborate and intricate illusions or fast movement of the hands are prohibited as well. However in contrast to this, the “magic” described in the issue you referred to as well as all of the other magic sections that have appeared in previous and subsequent issues are neither actually “magic” nor “illusions” in the true sense. Instead they are tricks that involve a simple technique to deceive an audience member who is unaware of the secret behind it. The fact that once an audience mem- ber knows the secret behind the trick, the effect of the “illusion” is completely lost is the proof that such tricks are beyond the realm of the halachic prohibition. Based on this principle, Hacham David cites a case of a magician in Israel that works with the approval of his father, Hacham Ovadia. He is allowed to perform as long as he shows the audience that what he does is not “professional magic”, just clever tricks where, if the audience member knew the trick involved, they would agree that it is very simple. Please rest assured that all “magic” tricks in Community Magazine are designed to comply with this rule. A S K T H E H A C H A M P R E P A R E D B Y : R A B B I E L I D A V I D S H L I T A Q: Are magic tricks mutar (permissable)? A: Only a certain class of amateur tricks. Off-Peak Megilah Reading Schedule EVE 3-17 DAY 3-18 BET SHAUL UMIRIAM 9:00pm 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm AHI EZER 8:00pm 9:30am 3:00pm BNEI BINYAMIN 8:30pm 10:00am BNAI YOSEF 7:00pm 11:30am 9:00pm 12:30pm 10:00pm 1:30pm 2:30pm 3:30pm 4:30pm EVE 3-17 DAY 3-18 HAR HALEBANON 9:00pm 11:00am for Ladies BETH TORAH 7:00pm 9:30am after 9:00am Shaharit 11:00am for the ladies 1:00pm minha followed by megillah AVENUE O SYNAGOGUE 8:00pm 9:30am SHAARE ZION 8:30pm 10:00am 11:00am Purim 5763 - March 17-18 2003