Community Magazine March 2003

O ur nation is in a terrible crisis. We are not referring to a political crisis, although that is the case. Israel is facing an era of overwhelming challenge. Hundreds of our brothers and sisters are being brutally murdered on a daily basis, and there is little sympathy from the world at large. People have become increasingly numb to the news of brutal deaths; as if nothing can be done to put a stop to the car- nage. We feel that there is nothing we can do on a concrete level to create a different real- ity. This in turn, ultimately leads to a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness; that we have no control over the situation. It causes us to shut down and withdraw into a cocoon in order to escape the harsh reality of what is happening around us. We Must Unite As One Nation Several months ago, Masada Institute launched a campaign calling upon Jews to join hands in an effort to create a greater feeling of unity among our people. Those heartfelt words inspired many of you to go out of your way in thought, action and deed, in order to effect a change in the way we deal with one another. Simon E. Jacobson, Director of Development, Masada Institute New York City Councilman, Bill DeBlasio Lindsay A. Rosenwald, M.D., C.E.O. Paramount Capital B Y : S I M O N E . J A C O B S O N 42 COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Mar 63 color insert.qxd 2/27/2003 3:30 PM Page 42