Community Magazine March 2003

ADAR II 5763 MARCH 2003 13 s ” xc Our Torah Task: Holding to a Steady Course B Y : R A B B I H A I M B E N O L I E L O ur Sages tell us that the decree against the Jewish people at the time of Purim was the result of a sin: they enjoyed the banquet feast of Ahashverosh. It is noteworthy that “they enjoyed,” and not that they participated. Going to the palace with the rationalization that it is disrespectful to ignore the invitation of the king perhaps would not have triggered the decree. The attitude that “Now that we’re here we might as well enjoy it” was able to incur the Heavenly judgement against Am Yisrael. Does this sound like walking a tightrope? Yes, it’s not easy to calibrate and calculate the exact line the Torah expects us to follow. Hence, this is another reason why the guid- ance of our Gedolim is so vital. Human nature is to take the proverbial foot – or is it a mile? – when given an inch. The Hafetz Haim, when addressing the dilemma of the Jewish soldier in the Russian army faced with nothing to eat but unkosher food, told the men that because of Pikuach Nefesh, endangerment of their lives, they may eat the meat, “but don’t suck the bones!” Message: The conduct prescribed for one under duress should not lead to wholesale leniency. Yaakov Avinu was ordered by his mother, Rivkah, to pose as Esav and receive the bless- ings from Yitzchak Avinu. This was in Rivkah’s authority as a prophetess, and there- fore Yaakov was not only permitted, but com- manded to say he was Esav. Yet, Yaakov, in his response to his father’s question of his identity, he said, “I am; Esav is your first born.” Did the punctuation make it true? No, but Yaakov, who loved truth and hated false- hood, wanted to minimize the untruth, even though it was permissible and indeed impera- tive (Da’at Hochmah Umussar). In contrast to the behavior of the Jews who participated in the feast in Shushan, Esther never forgot that her becoming queen of the Persian empire was a directive of Hashem, sole- ly for the purpose of saving the Jewish nation. She did not allow herself one iota of pleasure from that exalted position. She never forgot who she was and understood that her mission was for her people and not a license to enjoy even a moment of royal luxury. On the contrary, the environment of the palace of Ahashverosh was totally repulsive to her pure soul. We read in the Megillah, that after Mordechai was paraded in the streets of Shushan by Haman with royal honor and dis- tinction, he returned to the courtyard of the king. Rashi wrote: He returned to his sack- cloth and fasting. Total loyalty to a sacred duty! The Almighty accepted the repentance of the Jewish nation under the leadership of Mordechai and Esther and brought a miracu- lous salvation. Let us emulate the ways of our illustrious forebearers and merit in our time, “For the Jews there was light, and happiness, and joy, and honor!” CM R’ Ron Raful Senior Account Manager 1700 M ADISON A VE ., SUITE 28 L AKEWOOD , NJ 08701 C ELL 917-836-8771 F AX 732-370-3183 E MAIL : First Financial EQUITIES , INC . LICENSED MORTGAGE BANKERS R ESIDENTIAL & C OMMERCIAL R EAL E STATE R ESIDENTIAL M ORTGAGES & R EFINANCING H OME EQUITY L INES OF C REDIT C OMMERCIAL M ORTGAGE S ERVICES